Saturday, December 1, 2012

Poster Making - Aids awareness

Several Interact Club students prepared posters for Aids Awareness on the occasion of World Aids day. The students used their creative ideas and expressions to spread the word of wisdom against Aids around amongst peers. Through these posters the students educated everyone about the causes, problems and precaution related with Aids. A small effort put in by these children can definitely help attain a safer tomorrow. 

Students at work putting down their ideas

Posters as prepared by the students



Interact club of KIIT WORLD SCHOOL organised a workshop on one of the deadly diseases known as “THALASSEMIA”. Dr. Tajender Singh was the resource person along with Mr. Vivek Sardana and Mr. Nirmal Gupta(President Rotary Akash)
Students were told about the importance of donating blood after the age of 18 years. Thereafter, a documentary was shown on What is Thalassemia? Its cause, precautions etc. were discussed and a question-answer session took place following the same. It was an enlightening experience for all the students who participated.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Experiences of Care & Share Programme

Quotes and experiences by students

Today I with my school went to an old age home i.e Saint's Mary .It was an amazing experience that I have ever had. This day was totally different from other days because today I got to meet those people who were not accepted by there own children .I was really feeling bad when i heard about there stories and their condition .The one who bought them in this world they had left them . This was really shocking for me because parents are the one with whom you can share everything. I am not blessed by my own grandmother and by going there I felt nice and got slot of love.                                                                                                      (Upma Golyan    X-D)

Today was a memorable day. We got the opportunity to visit Nirmal Hriday as a part of the care and share programme . It was not just a normal visit; it was a special visit as we realized that how rich and lucky we are on meeting the people there. Rich means that we have everything - eyes, ears, legs etc. Nirmal Hriday founded in 1962 is an NGO that takes care of physically and mentally challenged people. The people there may not be as blessed as us but they all were happy and smiling. They were enjoying with us. We talked to them, sang songs and also the seniors were dancing with us. I realized that we often become upset when our demands are not fulfilled and ask for more and more. But after meeting the people there I realized that god has given us everything in life but still we don't realize the importance of our life. It was a great experience and something very different                                                                                       (Harshit Miglani-IX)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Care & Share Programme

‘Smile is the only curve that straitens everything’

Learning with passion has been an essential component of learning at KIIT World School. WE believe ingredients like compassion, passion, love, empathy & joy make the process of learning even more enlightening. With the same belief, happy smiles, bright faces and creative thoughts, the students of KIIT World School led the campaign ‘Care and Share’ on 27th November 2012. The event initiated planned, organized and managed by the students is an annual event. With the aim of community learning and development, several visits were planned across Delhi to different NGO’s and slum's (Nirmal Hriday, St.Mary’s, Cheshire, Andh Maha vidyalaya) by the students of the school. The visits are organized in a manner to inculcate the feeling of love, empathy, trust, team spirit, affection, indulgence and unity amongst the students.  The students strongly believe that ‘everyone smiles in the same language’. So without the hurdles of caste, language, senses, religion, and status the students spend quality time with the under privileged people of our society and share their smile, love and feelings. 

St.Mary's (Shelter home for the old)
Happy Learning at Mangolpuri slum

My new students

The Proud Team

A student sharing love and smiles at Nirmal Hriday

Cheshire home

Friday, November 9, 2012

Anti- Cracker Rally

A rally was organized by 10th and 11th class interact club members on 'say no to crackers'. Students made banners with attractive meaningful slogans for the cause. A group of 30-40 students participated in the rally spreading the message of a green and clean Diwali in the school neighborhood (Deepali enclave, Tarun enclave, Kashmir apartment and Pushpanjali enclave) narrating slogans :-

1) “patakhe nahi diye jalao    pradooshan nahi khushiyan faelao”2) “say no to crackers”
It was a great learning experience for all the students who participated in this rally to save our environment from pollution.This was a small step forward to a great revolution in saving our mother earth.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fund Raiser

A fund raiser was organized by the students of interact club for the ‘care & share’ Prog. The purpose of this fund raiser was to make our students self reliant and confident individuals along with generation of funds for the under-privileged. The funds raised will b used for buying basic necessities for the  young children living in challenged conditions.
This event was organized around Diwali wherein decorated pots, diyas, candles, tray’s, paintings etc were put up for sale to collect funds for the under-privileged. All these items were self-made by our students which were later put up for sale. Fellow students and teachers participated & contributed actively making the event a huge success.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Zonal Interact Representative

Manmeet Kaur of class XII got chosen as the ZIR for the Zone 3010 (RY 2012-13). Ms. Kiran Bedi titled her the batch at the Annual Interact leadership Assembly(2011-12) on 6th September 2012, Apeejay school. Ms. Kiran Bedi also Twitted the young leaders as an inspiration and nation builders.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Investitures ceremony & Tree Plantation

The beautiful morning of 8th august 2012 marked the Annual Interact Meet (session 2012-13) celebrating the achievements of our young interacts. The day was honored with the presence of Dr. Sangeeta Bhatia (Principal), Mr. Nirmal gupta (President Rotary AKASH 2012-13), Mr. Vivek Sardana, Mr. Rakesh Anand and Mr. Mahesh rehani, members Rotary AKASH. Four Best young interacts were awarded certificates of excellence with honour ties and other members appreciation certificates for their effort and hard work as a team member of the interact club.

The day proceed with a Tree Plantation Drive organized by the same club wherein the students along with the guests planted a number of sampling's with the motto of GREEN INDIA, keeping in mind each one plant one. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Road rage awareness

Road rage is menace and leads to physical injuries and even death. In general it involves speedy and aggressive acceleration, weaving, in and out of traffic, rude gestures, verbal abuse and much more. Discussion on road rage was held in which students participated  enthusiastically. Students  were made aware about traffic rules and were also told about the mishappenings which are caused due to negligence of rules.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

April 25, 2012

Class XI-XII

In the club period the students along with club in charge had a discussion regarding how interact club can participate in serving the school in terms of cleanliness. All the students seriously and willingly wanted to spread awareness regarding sanitation of the school. Duties were assigned to girls and boys respectively to take care of the wash rooms and motivate children not to spread unhygienic conditions in washrooms. Also the club is planning to organize blood donation camp in the coming health mela in the month of May. All the members of the club are emphasizing on practical application of all the discussions and ideas discussed so far.
Class IX-X
Essay Writing - Significance of Healthy Lifestyle
Students were asked to write an essay on the given topic to promote healthy practices and then a discussion was held so that they can share their views with others.
Through general questions club proceeding was initiated towards the discussion over the hazards of different types of pollutions, viz. Air, water, noise &land:
-What is pollution?
-How air &water are polluted?
-Why noise is considered as pollution?
-Can land also be polluted? How?
What are the harmful effects of different types of pollution?
 The club members were asked to do a research on the causes& hazards of different types of pollution. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

April 18, 2012

Class XI-XII
Students are very enthusiastic about the trips outside school and are looking forward to a lot of activities with sheer sincerity.
As the name suggests Interact club, all the members had meaningful interaction. As supported and told by in charge of the club the students planned to help the going to be married couple, who are deaf and dumb at Nirmal chhaya. All students suggested ideas to collect fund and gift the couple with bed sheets, crockery, artificial jewelry etc. as a token of love and affection on behalf of the club and school.
    Then after discussion, keeping in mind the clean and healthy environment, all the students of the club cleaned the school ground and by picking as many stones as possible.
Class IX-X
Poster Making and Slogan Writing - Save Water
Students learnt creative ways to spread awareness regarding water conservation by making beautiful posters and writing very catchy slogans like "Water is indispensable, It's waste is unacceptable." "Aaj jal ka sanchay na hoga, socho nirjal kaisa jeevan hoga".

Unorganized labour
 Students came with the results based on  questions concerning age, educational status, native place, reasons for leaving native places, employment, one’s time span in one’s particular job, income etc. of different type of working as an unorganized labour. Students presented & discussed their analysis with the help of graphs which they made on charts. Thus, the socio-economic disparity was discussed& analyzed.

April 11, 2012

Class - XI-XII
Club is formed under the guidelines of Rotary club, in which activities for social environment are performed. Motive behind the club is to make student aware about socio-cultural activities. Prerna Mahajhan of class XII C is the student coordinator of the club. Club starts its objective of making school free from polybags, in which 100% students of our club participated and all teachers with administrative staff also participated for the same. 
Class - IX-X
The activity Cleanliness Drive helped the students to understand the importance of clean surroundings for keeping the body healthy. As a part of the activity the students cleaned the park near the school by picking wrappers, plastic bottles and other waste material.
-          To enable Students to understand economic &social contradiction and to sensitize them towards the people who despite of tough effort are not able to meet their both ends. A G.D. was conducted on general questions like
-Why do we work?
-Why some people have to involve themselves in inhumane involving tough physical labour?
-Why people have to leave their native places for the sake of work?
-Why is it so that people despite of heavy labour are not able to earn a healthy &respectable living for themselves?
  By initiating discussion on such questions students were made to think in context of the plight of riksha puller, construction labour, maid servants, vendors selling water, snacks etc. At the end of meeting students   framed a Questionnaire for people working as unorganized labour. Each student was assigned the task of asking same questions from 5 different people, formulate conclusions & graphically present them in next club meeting. 

April 4, 2012

The Interact club fosters leadership and responsible citizenship and promotes international understanding and peace. Community service has been personified by the club’s impeccable performances in various fields. The first session of Interact club was the orientation day for the club. The planning and discussion of various activities took place. The activities planned are as follows-
Students are very enthusiastic about the trips outside school and are looking forward to a lot of activities with sheer sincerity.